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Top Reasons Why Restorations from Digital Impressions Don’t Fit

Much like conventional impressions, digital impressions can render ill-fitting restorations.  It is imperative to figure out the source of the problem and to understand if it is a scanning or manufacturing issue.  We have compiled the top reasons for such errors in this article:

    1. If the restoration is manufactured on printed models, you should be alarmed! There are so many variables that can be introduced in additive manufacturing process that can lead to less than desired results.  Printed models should only be used after restorations are milled to assess contacts or to dial back bulky material to the margin on they die.
    2. Translucent / transparent enamel can lead to inaccurate scans.  This is most magnified when we work on conservative preparations made on enamel.  See this article to understand the troubles that can be introduced while scanning glass. aa

Comparing Intra-Oral Scan with Printed Model

3. We highly recommend that the clinician places his or her margins as soon as they image the preparation. Oftentimes, labs only work with STL models instead of color models and this leaves a lot of room for open interpretation and errors.  Labs can then print the models to finish work like contacts and reducing margins they have bulked out to protect the material whilst milling.

Mark your own margins
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Submit to Panthera Dental Directly

Until recently, when you submitted a case to Panthera Dental for a Obstructive Sleep Apnea Device, they would manufacture it and send it to one of their partner labs. This would delay the process and add other hurdles.  You can now directly submit the cases through the meditlink portal. You must attach an Rx form and you must have an account with them.



if you modify your models to block out deep undercuts and capture the bite correctly you will have very little to no adjustments to make. We also recommend having the patient record your instructions so that you don’t have to repeat yourself.  Most now do the titration remotely.

Easy Delivery
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Submitting Models for Panthera Obstructive Sleep Apnea Device

It is a good idea to attach support pins to your models so labs don’t lose the vertical dimension and the protrusive position you captured

Panthera Obstructive Sleep Apnea Device


prescription_D-SAD_L-022 v2

Changing the rods RA



Dentsply PrimeScan Panthera Dental ordering process


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Introducing Medit’s Abutment Registration Feature

Medit’s software allows you to remove and pre-existing abutment and scan it outside the mouth. This allows you to find your margins without ever having to displace the tissue or reach hemostasis. Important matters to keep in mind with workflow

You must fill out the Rx form correctly and identify the abutment location
You must take the abutment scan at first in the right catalog box (upper jaw or lower jaw)
You must take the tibase / abutment outside the mouth and scan it under Abutment Registration Feature

watch the video for an introduction

Register Abutment Scan
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Anterior Crown Prep and Model Creator with Die

Here is a preview of the new Medit Model Builder with Ditched Dies where you can print the arches with support pins and separate dies

Model Builder with Dies


Download the case and design along:  CAD Ray Anterior Crown and Die

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Full Arch Implant Planning Set Up with Medit i700

This used to be such a long process and we can bust them out in no time. take upper and lower scans in a minute. add lip…

Posted by Armen Mirzayan on Monday, October 11, 2021


Download the Medit Case with live scans


Download the CT scan dcm’s to design along

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AI Scanbody Match with Medit i700

In this video, we show how you to capture the healing abutment, the tissue profile after the abutment is removed, and then we image the scanbody while utilizing the AI feature of the Medit i700 to pick up all the data from the scanbody by matching the STL to the physical one during the scan

AI Scanbody Match
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Distalized Second Molar During Temporary Stage

With second molars, you should always be on the look out for not just the jaw settling, if you remove the first point of contact, but also with the temporary step forcing the tooth to tip towards the distal, if there is no third molar to stop its tilting.

In this case, a doctor was trying to seat a second molar crown he had just prepped a few weeks prior.  There was an open contact and he could not ascertain the reason for this. He did take a second impression digitally so we had the chance to merge the two models and look for discreptancies between the preps. This video shows how the comparison of those two steps in Medit Compare

Distalized Second Molar
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Meshwork in Local HD and RD Scanning

The Medit scanner has a feature where you can locally capture a preparation in HD mode.

This allows for more crisp visualization of tooth anatomy and morphology but most deem it clinically insignificant

Scanned in HD and in RD

In this case a preparation was captured twice, once in regular definition mode and again in high definition mode

Meshwork in Local HD and RD Scanning

The models were then rendered and compared and the differences were analyzed. You can import them into medit compare and see
For yourself

This crown was replaced along with multiple class 2 restorations approximating it. This last video shows the try-in of the amber mill block

HD vs RD local

Fabrication of Lithium Disilicate Crown
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Excessive External Light Source Can Alter Your Models

The overhead light source can distort your models and impressions. This particular doctor had excellent preparations and retraction but the light source kept flooding the dentition resulting in ill-fitting restorations. Our crew at CAD-Ray remotely logged in through teamviewer and was able to review the logged video while scanning and instantly noted the source of the error.

The Medit software and scanner have a setting that can warn you if there is too much excessive ligthing.

Excessive light
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Creating Your Own Dental Morphology Library

Medit Orthodontic Simulation application allows you to segment out individual teeth from patient scans into an stl format that you can use as a template for smile design wax-ups. You have to watch the vide for it to make sense

Export individual morphology
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The Digital 3D Shade Guide


We’ve digitized the Vita 3D shade guide to help with color identification.  The same Medit scanner was used to scan the tabs and then this digital file was created. the assumption is that the same camera and light will hit natural dentition and the net effect will be the same.  Use at your own risk.

3D Shade Guide


i think this can work!

i scanned the vita 3d shade guide with the same light i would use to scan teeth. Start with matching the value, then the hue, and then chroma.

*** correction made

Posted by Armen Mirzayan on Wednesday, August 18, 2021

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Measuring Intra-Oral Scanner Accuracy and How Accurate is the Medit Scanner?

Still not a single article published that says Medit ios is a good scanner ! its just been user driven for 3 years now.


it’s a good thing, because the world just changed. it is irresponsible to extrapolate research done outside the mouth on stone models or impressions into clinical significance with intra-oral scanning. There are parameters that are impossible to quantify like focal distance throughout the scan (unlike desktop scanners with known focal distances), the codes use to do the algorithms, the scan patterns, and also how light is treated by enamel, dentin, and restored materials.


i can’t believe people still use terms like trueness and accuracy when they really don’t even exist when you scan intra-orally. Like analog impressions, it is impossible to judge digital impression accuracy LIVE while it is happening.


Enter Medit! There are a few distinct ways to demonstrate an accurate scan live while it is happening. One way is to import a geometric shape that doesn’t alter its form while models are being rendered. That’s what’s demonstrated here. To my knowledge no one has ever studied this approach because no other camera lets you do this. i did see some publications where the authors attached objects like radiographic markers and after it was processed, they could measure that object and see if it distorted or not, but nothing at this level.


You can download the case and design along

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Medit’s Model Builder and Ortho Simulation Apps and the American Board of Orthodontics Electronic Cast Radiograph Evaluation (CRE)

The following information is from the The American Board of Orthodontics. We preview how the Medit Ortho Simulation and Model Builder can satisfy their criteria

AOB Standards and Medit
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Introducing the Medit Model Builder

Medit has many free applications, including Smile Analysis, Orthodontic Simulation, and now, Medit Model Builder

Adding bases has been a feature for a while but as usual, Medit was quick to respond to its users’ request by expanding the base to including holes for drainage in printing and by allowing us to add support pins to the models.  Many people who have printers, whether labs or clinicians, easily lose the proper vertical relationship when they print the models.  By adding these pins, it allows you to index the models properly for any finishing work someone may need to do.

Advanced users are unlikely to use this feature for a single unit, but it comes in handy for oral appliances, particularly when they have advanced the jaw to open the airway. Oh, and this app is free and you can use it with models created by any scanner

Medit Model Builder
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Advanced Features of the Medit i700 IOS That Separate it From All Other Scanners

Here is why the Medit i700 is the best intra-oral scanner on the market if you do any kind of implant restorations. There are so many options and tools that are leap years ahead of other scanners and their software. Medit can automatically identify the scanbody for you so you don’t have to do cartwheels and gymnastics to pick up all of the scanbody. This is in part 1 of the video.
For advanced users, we are sick of dealing with scanbodies and checking to make sure they are seated all the way and not binding on the tissue or bone, so we developed this technique of just scanning the fixture itself. It is not ideal just yet, but it will be the future, as the inside of the fixture is too shiny. i just used some old cerec spray to mask the topography for this demonstration.
oh, and really, no one else can show you how to milk that medit like can. we use it well beyond what it was intended for and frankly you are wasting your time and money with most others. contact Frank DeLuca, Frank Weinstein, Laura Geney, Nick Statly, Damien Bonner, Jonathan Acker in the US or Milos Gedosev, Mariangela Di Nato, Roddy MacLeod in Europe for more information

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Preview of Medit Compare Used in Merging Models, Modifying Them, Inverting Them, and Relating Them to Each Other with Medit Compare

This case shows how to relate models to each and maintain their relationships. It features the power of the Medit Compare app that lets you duplicate models, trim them, modify them to your liking. There are some very useful features in this app that can come in very handy
an important matter to remember is the “direction of travel” which is taking models from the Target folder and moving it to relate it to the Reference folder.
All models placed in each folder will maintain their relationships to each other when traveling to connect with the other models. Inverting models will also come in handy for advanced users. You can see the full video and download the case and design along here
Duplicating Overdentures with Medit Compare
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Clinux-Breaking the Barriers of CAD Design Software

The CAD-Ray team is happy to announce that CAD design software has experienced a breakthrough. One of the hurdles of using design software has always been that it was created with lab technicians in mind; the rationale being that technical staff would be using it more than clinicians. It is no wonder that many still send off their scans to labs to be designed “by the experts.”

With the boom in digital and CAD/CAM dentistry, many offices are finally making the leap to bringing some or all of that workflow in-house to be done chairside (as they should). While there are many solutions available to incorporate one or more aspects of the digital dentistry workflow into your practice, it’s safe to say that the innovative design of Clinux is a turning point for design software.

Clinux is the result of collaboration by a team of experts from the most reputable and recognizable brands in the dental industry, all previously involved with advanced technology and equipment. It is made by those who have seen the pain points of the best programs in the dental world. They came up with a plan to eliminate the confusing barriers to simple plug and play design. Clinux is made for dentists in mind, not lab technicians. Less time spent onboarding, less clicks to your finished designs, and clear, reasonable fees all result in the first dentist-friendly CAD design software. Best of all, storage is not required. It is the first CAD design software that operates in the cloud.

Clinux; it’s completely independent, and curiously intuitive. It’s reasonably (and transparently) priced and very accommodating to workflow integration. Combined with the power of Medit, it is easily the most portable and efficient digital solution you’ll find anywhere. As always, the CAD-Ray team, the leader at post-sale technology support will be in your corner with its White Glove service. We encourage you to check it out and see for yourself…

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Introducing the Medit i700!

We recently helped Medit launch its i700 Intra-Oral Scanner in Las Vegas.  See the videos for demonstrations and interesting interviews

Medit i700 Launch by CAD-Ray
April 16, 2021

Medit i700 Intra-oral and Hand-Held Scanners

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Saving an Integrated Implant by Treating it as a Cast Post and Core by Combining Medit i700 Intra-Oral Scan with a Physical Impression of fixture’s Internal Shape

This implant was initially placed at the crest of the ridge in 2012.  its placement did not allow proper emergence profile and subsequently lost bone around the head of the implant by 2015.  The lack of blood flow to the crest of the bone at the cortical plate certainly could have contributed to its demise.  By 2015, the bacteria trap forced a new restoration to be placed which also ultimately lead to chronic inflammation due to improper contours.  The implant itself was well integrated and the decision was made to remove the top 3-5 mm of the implant and treat it as a cast post and core.

You can see how the Medit i700 was used to mix intra-oral scans with a PVS impression to capture the fixture.  Advanced users can utilize the stl of the implant itself to fabricate a post and core digitally.



Dropping Margin on an Implant Fixture
Design of Post and Core

The designed restoration was then sent to Burbank Dental Lab and it was milled out of wax and then cast to metal

Milled Wax Post and Core

The post and core and the emax restoration were returned for delivery.  The emax was not crystalized until after the abutment was cemented and then it was tried in by itself to assure proper contours and contacts.  The great feature of lithium dissilicate is that you can add contact and glaze at the same time, which was required here as the mesial contact was weaker than desired after some minor adjustments

Cast Post and Core for the Fixture

Post and Core Try-in

Post op x-rays to verify seat and no excess resin after flap was raised to clinically visualize that there is no excess cement