Case Set Up
In this video we showcase the set up page of the Medit i500 Lab Version for software version 2.1, where you define the job description, enter parameters, designate the opposing and proceed to the next step where you launch the imaging software.
Pre-Op Documentation for Full Cuspal Coverage
This footage was taken to document the undermined cusps and the justification for full cuspal coverage
Captured Impressions While Patient Was Reaching Anesthesia
While the patient was reaching anesthesia, the opposing arch was captured along with the preparation model. The area to be prepared was cropped out and once enough reduction was achieved the bite was captured. We highly recommend that you verify reduction and adequate clearance before you capture the final preparation. This way, you have one last ditched effort to verified you will have adequate thickness to your restorative material.
Impression of Preparation after Reduction was Verified
Margins Placed in Native Imaging Software
Separate Design in exocad
Post Op
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