There are multiple ways to adjust a model with refined tools like the Polyline Trimming, the Brush Trimming, and the Quick Trim feature. You can see all of them in action in the video.
PolyLine Trimming allow you to circumscribe an area that you want to remove. You start with a left click, delineate the area you want removed, and then right click to get rid of the data you don’t want included in your models.
Brush Trimming has three separate settings and it is a very effective way of removing data in incremental steps. it allows for real fine adjustments.
Quick Trimming removes data that is not part of the model, like an island of floating data. This usually happens when the tongue gets in the way of imaging, and if it happens enough times, the software starts to thing it is part of the equation. if you click on data points that are indeed attached to the rest of the model, you will delete the whole model. You can see that happening in the video attached.
It’s not a big deal if you inadvertently trim areas away as you can undo each step and get back to your point of origin
[videopress 3W7AFoSC]
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