At CAD-Ray we are constantly testing milling machines that can render ceramic or metal abutment restorations. In this particular case, we are testing the conelog line of tibases and utilizing the automated identification of the scanbody with the new Medit i500 V2.1 Artificial Intelligence program. Not only does the software identify the scanbody and locate the fixture but it also imports the whole complex into the cad software where the fixture and digital tibase are already identified and aligned.
We scanned the tibase as well on the model and merged it to the digital proposal to see how closely the digital proposals matched the physical model.
It is very important to properly identify the scanbodies and to label them accordingly. A single mis-step can result in ill fitting restorations and cause disappointment. If the nomenclature or the math doesn’t add up, it is always a good idea to contact the manufacturer of the scanbody to verify your findings.
In the first set of videos, we demonstrate how the scanbody is imaged with the Medit i500. For this particular demonstration, we placed a tibase on a conelog 4.3 mm diameter fixture and then a peek scanbody on top of it. Indexing and making sure it is seated is of paramount importance. Once the software identifies the complex it can automatically import it into exocad software so you can proceed with the design.
This test case is milled for record keeping and FDA compliance as we are distributors of multiple scanners and milling machines. We are only concerned about the fit of the restoration. After the design was completed it was then imported into milbox CAM software, nested, and the sprue was configured for the mill.
The first produced restoration did not seat completely and the internal was relieved in an analog manner. It did finally seat but by then, it lost its anti-rotation mechanism. The case was then reloaded in millbox and the internal relief was increased by – 0.05 mm. That simple adjustment allowed for proper seating without any analog adjustments. You can also appreciate some residual material that may keep you from seating. Both the software and the carbon marks left on the intaglio of the restoration can be clear indications of what needs to be adjusted.
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