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Crown Bottoms: Cement Gap and Zones by Distance; Every Dentist’s Dream

Since July, we have imaged and milled many restorations with at least 4 different milling machines, including lab fabricated restorations. The margins and fit have been impeccable even with my...

Lower Left First Molar Crown with Medit / exocad / VHF Z 4

The following case is a lower first molar with the distobuccal cusp fractured and recurrent decay underneath the pre-existing composite restoration, warranting full cuspal coverage. The case was managed with...

Milling A Lower Central Incisor in an eMax Size 12 Block on the VHF Z4 Milling Machine

Time Stamps: This video is sped up at some points, but from the time the design was finished and it was sent to production, it tool less than 90 seconds...

Workflow From Medit to exocad to VHF Z4 Mill

The Meditlink software allows you to log in as a clinician or a laboratory. There are quite a few benefits to logging in as a lab, one of them is...

Imaging a Mouth Full of Gold and PFM Crowns

Imaging highly reflective surfaces can be challenging. In this particular situation, every tooth had either a pfm or a gold crown restoration. The video playback feature of the medit software...