An exciting new feature in the Medit i500 v 2.1 is the ability to close holes in the model AND to create a base. For advanced users, this is not of great significance but for most new users, and particularly for labs new to digital, the option allows us to immediately send the case to a printer.
Most users like to fabricate the models and then restoration and verify the fit and the contacts after all the polishing and glazing is processed. There are lots choices for the height of the base and to make it hollow to save on the amount of resin it takes to fabricate the case.
Requests for adding support pins have already been submitted and are forthcoming.

Once the current dentition is digitized you can take it to any CAD software and design the case to your liking and fabricate temporary shells or even print/mill the model to make suck down stents or siltech matrix putties to adapt the new smile to the current dentition.
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